Ready to E-file your W-2s and 1099s?
December 19, 2016

Did you know that you can e-file your W-2s, W-3s, 1096s, and 1099s within Trimble Ag Software? Not only does this save hours of painful number crunching, but money too. Our desktop solution can upload data electronically to the IRS, Social Security Administration, and state agencies. This e-file service benefits farms of all sizes with anywhere from one employee (or 1099 vendor) to hundreds of employees (or 1099 vendors). The service also gives you the ability to have forms printed and mailed to your employees and/or vendors, eliminating the process of you printing and mailing W-2s, W-3s, 1096s, and 1099s – a huge time savings.
Advantages of e-filing include:
- Eliminating costly paper forms.
- Paying for only the number of forms you file (even if it’s just one).
- Lower labor costs of printing, mailing and manually submitting forms.
- Status check via email on your federal and state filings.
- Viewing submitted payer forms in a PDF format which is free with the purchase of any service.
How it works:
- Utilize Trimble Ag Software Advanced Desktop Accounting to manage your payroll and payment records.
- Select the new option called electronic filing.
- All data can be previewed prior to submitting to the Federal and State Agencies. Printed forms can be automatically mailed to each employee and/or vendor from the service. Also if the print service is used, employee’s and/or vendors will receive an email to a secure link that they can directly download their tax forms.
Create and submit 1099-INT forms for interest paid. Note that this functionality is only available through electronic submission (the program does not support printing these forms). Additionally, an option for correcting electronically submitted Forms W-2 and W-4 is now available with the latest version.
For more information or questions about this feature, please email or call 1-800-282-4103.