Note on Equipment: Traditional and FarmStream Set Up for Fleet
Traditionally, the DCM-300 modem has been the primary device used to communicate vehicle position, sensor data, and other information from a vehicle to the Fleet website. While the DCM-300 modem can still be used with Fleet, FarmStream is the preferred set up for Fleet. FarmStream uses a specially configured TMX-2050, GFX-750, GFX-350, or FmX display, together with a communication device (such as the DCM-300, SNM941, GX450 or RV55 modem) to send operation data from the vehicle to view in Fleet. For information on how to set up a vehicle for Fleet using FarmStream, please refer to this guide.
Note: Firmware Version 10.01 or higher is required for the FmX and Version 4.3.1 or higher is required for the TMX to run FarmStream. Version 1.5 or higher is required for the GFX-750 to have full FarmStream functionality. (Limited FarmStream functionality is available for earlier versions of GFX-750 firmware.) Any version of firmware for the GFX-350 supports FarmStream.
Depending on whether you set up a vehicle the traditional way with a DCM-300 modem or with FarmStream, different features for that vehicle are viewable in the Fleet website. Please refer to this chart to compare the features available for a vehicle with the traditional set up and FarmStream set up.
No matter how you choose to set up a vehicle, the vehicle data is available in the same Fleet user interface and is accessible from the same user login. Different vehicles in the same organization can be set up using either traditional or FarmStream equipment, if desired. The way to tell which version of Fleet a vehicle is using is by going to the Vehicles page and selecting a vehicle. If a vehicle is using the traditional set up, it will say “FarmStream Off”, and if a vehicle is using the FarmStream setup it will say “FarmStream On”. See below image that illustrates this: